Mã sản phẩm: SFHĐBEN-FL5859

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- High quality products imported . - No intermediaries . - EXCLUSIVE distributor at FIRST LOOK .
- BENTLEY product line:
Bentley is a well-known furniture brand, inspired by the ingenuity, choice of materials characteristic of this brand. Bentley promises to bring great value to every room in the house with many types including beds, high-class sofas in the living room, single sofas… This is a smart choice for any interior design, is the perfect way to turn your home into a “luxury villa”.
A sofa model that is easily combined with any modern living room sofa gives the home space a youthful and energetic atmosphere. This will be a suitable product model for all households today.
Material : High quality leather and inox gold plated frame.
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Phòng Bán Hàng: 0936.782.685